
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die Liste der Publikationen der Forschungssäule Digitale Transformation.


Adam, Martin ; Röthke, Konstantin ; Benlian, Alexander (2023): Human Versus Automated Sales Agents: How and Why Customer Responses Shift Across Sales Stages. In: Information Systems Research, S. 1-21. INFORMS, ISSN 1047-7047, e-ISSN 1526-5536, DOI: 10.1287/isre.2022.1171


Benlian, Alexander ; Wiener, Martin ; Cram, W. Alec ; Krasnova, Hanna ; Maedche, Alexander ; Möhlmann, Mareike ; Recker, Jan ; Remus, Ulrich (2022): Algorithmic Management: Bright and Dark Sides, Practical Implications, and Research Opportunities. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering, 64 (6), S. 825-839. Springer, ISSN 2363-7005, e-ISSN 1867-0202, DOI: 10.1007/s12599-022-00764-w

Cram, W. Alec ; Wiener, Martin ; Tarafdar, Monideepa ; Benlian, Alexander (2022): Examining the Impact of Algorithmic Control on Uber Drivers’ Technostress. In: Journal of Management Information Systems, 39 (2), S. 426-453, DOI: 10.1080/07421222.2022.2063556

Benlian, Alexander (2022): Sprint Zeal or Sprint Fatigue? The Benefits and Burdens of Agile ISD Practices Use for Developer Well-Being. In: Information Systems Research, 33 (2), S. 557-578, DOI: 10.1287/isre.2021.1069

Bock, Carolin; Dilmetz, Daniel (2022): The indication of creativity and its effect on the probability of success of crowdfunding projects. In: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 14 (4 – 5), S. 527-570, ISSN 1742-5360, e-ISSN 1742-5379, DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2022.127449

Friedrich, A.; Lange, Anne; Elbert, R. (2022): How additive manufacturing drives business model change: The perspective of logistics service providers. In: International Journal of Production Economics, 249, S. 1-27, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2022.108521

Tessmann, R.; Elbert, R. (2022): Multi sided platforms in competitive B2B networks with varying governmental influence – a taxonomy of Port and Cargo Community System business models. In: Electronic Markets, 32, S. 829-872, DOI: 10.1007/s12525-022-00529-z

Bechtel, Jadena; Kaufmann, Carsten; Kock, Alexander (2022): Agile projects in non-agile portfolios: how project portfolio contingencies constrain agile projects' teamwork quality. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 69 (6), S. 3514-3528, DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2021.3130068

Meier, Andre; Kock, Alexander (2022): Agile R&D units' organization beyond software – developing and validating a multi-dimensional scale in an engineering context. IEEE Tranasactions on Engineering Management, 69 (6), S. 3476-3488, DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2021.3108343

Gauger, Felix; Bachtal, Yassien; Pfnür, Andreas (2022): Work experience from home : Hybrid work and the future of distributed work locations — a comparative empirical analysis between the US and Germany. In: Corporate Real Estate Journal, 11 (3), S. 280-292

Heidt, Lukas; Gauger, Felix; Pfnür, Andreas (2022): Work from Home Success: Agile work characteristics and the Mediating Effect of supportive HRM. In: Review of Managerial Science, Springer, ISSN 1863-6683, DOI: 10.1007/s11846-022-00545-5

Voll, Kyra; Gauger, Felix; Pfnür, Andreas (2022): Work from anywhere: traditional workation, coworkation and workation retreats: a conceptual review. In: World Leisure Journal, 65 (2), S. 150-174, DOI: 10.1080/16078055.2022.2134199

Huesmann, Tobias; Vassilyev, Denis; Schiereck, Dirk (2022): M&A-Kompetenz: Die M&A-Funktion als Treiber für Transformation und Wandel in volatilen Märkten. In: M&A Review, 33 (3), GoingPublic Media AG, ISSN 1616-0878

Zängerle, Daniel; Schiereck, Dirk (2022): Cyberrisiken – Vom Begriffswirrwarr zu einem einheitlichen Begriffsverständnis. In: HMD – Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 60 (285), S. 214-229, Springer Fachmedien, ISSN 1436-3011, e-ISSN 2198-2775, DOI: 10.1365/s40702-022-00888-3


Sturm, Timo ; Gerlach, Jin ; Pumplun, Luisa ; Mesbah, Neda ; Peters, Felix ; Tauchert, Christoph ; Nan, Ning ; Buxmann, Peter (2021): Coordinating Human and Machine Learning for Effective Organizational Learning. In: MIS Quarterly, 45 (3), S. 1581-1602, DOI: 10.25300/MISQ/2021/16543

Loderer, Maria; Kock, Alexander (2021): The Influence of Design Thinking on Open Innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management, 25 (10), DOI: 10.1142/S1363919621400016

Hackober, Christian ; Bock, Carolin (2021): Which investors’ characteristics are beneficial for initial coin offerings? Evidence from blockchain technology-based firms. In: Journal of Business Economics, Springer, ISSN 0044-2372

Croitor, Evgheni ; Werner, Dominick ; Adam, Martin ; Benlian, Alexander (2021): Opposing Effects of Input Control and Clan Control for Sellers on E-marketplace Platforms. In: Electronic Markets, DOI: 10.1007/s12525-021-00465-4

Neumann, W. Patrick ; Winkelhaus, Sven ; Grosse, Eric H. ; Glock, C. H. (2021): Industry 4.0 and the human factor – A systems framework and analysis methodology for successful development. In: International Journal of Production Economics, 2021/233, Elsevier, ISSN 0925-5273, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2020.107992,

Sturm, Timo ; Gerlach, Jin ; Pumplun, Luisa ; Mesbah, Neda ; Peters, Felix ; Tauchert, Christoph ; Nan, Ning ; Buxmann, Peter (2021): Coordinating Human and Machine Learning for Effective Organizational Learning. In: MIS Quarterly, (Forthcoming)


Benlian, Alexander (2020): A Daily Field Investigation of Technology-Driven Stress Spillovers from Work to Home.In: MIS Quarterly, 44 (3), S. 1259-1300. DOI: 10.25300/MISQ/2020/14911

Adam, Martin ; Wessel, Michael ; Benlian, Alexander (2020): AI-based chatbots in customer service and their effects on user compliance.In: Electronic Markets, 0, DOI: 10.1007/s12525-020-00414-7

Häfner, D. ; He, J. ; Schiereck, D. (2020): Reaktionen der Kryptowährungsmärkte auf die COVID-19-Pandemie.In: Corporate Finance, (05-06), S. 141-144. Handelsblatt Fachmedien GmbH, ISSN 1437-8981

Sgarbossa, F. ; Grosse, E. H. ; Neumann, W. P. ; Battini, D. ; Glock, C. H. (2020): Human factors in production and logistics systems of the future.In: Annual Reviews in Control, 49, S. 295-305. Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.arcontrol.2020.04.007

Winkelhaus, S. ; Grosse, E. H. (2020): Logistics 4.0: a systematic review towards a new logistics system. In: International Journal of Production Research, 58 (1), S. 18-43. DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2019.1612964,

Emde, S. ; Tahirov, N. ; Gendreau, M. ; Glock, C.H. (2020): Routing automated lane-guided transport vehicles in a warehouse handling returns. In: European Journal of Operational Research, 292, S. 1085-1098. ISSN 03772217, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2020.11.038,

Siegfried, Nils ; Rosenthal, Tobias ; Benlian, Alexander (2020): Blockchain and the Industrial Internet of Things: A Requirement Taxonomy and Systematic Fit Analysis.In: Journal of Enterprise Information Management

Croitor, Evgheni ; Adam, Martin ; Benlian, Alexander (2020): Perceived input control on digital platforms: a mixed-methods investigation of web-browser platforms. In: Journal of Decision Systems, 30 (1), S. 47-68. DOI: 10.1080/12460125.2020.1815440

Pfnür, Andreas ; Wagner, Benjamin (2020): Transformation of the real estate and construction industry: empirical findings from Germany.In: Journal of Business Economics, 90 (7), S. 975-1019. Springer, ISSN 0044-2372, DOI: 10.1007/s11573-020-00972-4

Heidt, Lukas ; Gauger, Felix ; Wagner, Benjamin ; Pfnür, Andreas (2020): Widerstände gegen Agilität: Agiles Change Management als Erfolgsfaktor in Projekten der digitalen Transformation.In: Die Unternehmung, 74 (2), S. 155-172. Nomos, ISSN 0042-059X, DOI: 10.5771/0042-059X-2020-2-155


Heidt, Margareta ; Gerlach, Jin ; Buxmann, Peter (2019): Investigating the Security Divide between SME and Large Companies: How SME Characteristics Influence Organizational IT Security Investments.In: Information Systems Frontiers, 21 (6), S. 1285-1305.

Elbert, R. ; Knigge, J. ; Sarnow, T. (2019): Virtuelle Realität als Planungsmethode – Vergleich zwischen menschlicher und virtueller Kommissionierung. In: ERP Management, (1), S. 49-51. GITO, ISSN 1860-6725

Zhu, Hangzi; Kock, Alexander; Wentker, Marc; Leker; Jens (2019): How Does Online Interaction Affect Idea Quality? The Effect of Feedback in Firm-internal Idea Competitions. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36(1): 24-40

Schiereck, D. ; Schiereck, C. (2019): Venture Capital für digitale Innovationen in der globalen Landwirtschaft – das neue Segment der Agtech Start-ups. In: Corporate Finance, (10), S. 189-193. ISSN 1437-8981

Wallbach, Sören ; Coleman, Katrin ; Elbert, Ralf ; Benlian, Alexander (2019): Multi-sided platform diffusion in competitive B2B networks: Inhibiting factors and their impact on network effects.In: Electronic Markets, 29 (4), S. 693-710.

Engelbrecht, Adrian ; Gerlach, Jin ; Benlian, Alexander ; Buxmann, Peter (2019): How Employees Gain Meta-Knowledge Using Enterprise Social Networks: A Validation and Extension of Communication Visibility Theory. In: Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 28 (3), S. 292-309.

Maedche, Alexander ; Legner, Christine ; Benlian, Alexander ; Berger, Benedikt ; Gimpel, Henner ; Hess, Thomas ; Hinz, Oliver ; Morana, Stefan ; Söllner, Matthias (2019): AI-Based Digital Assistants. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering, 61 (4), S. 535-544. DOI: 10.1007/s12599-019-00600-8

Hackober, C. ; Bock, C. ; Malki, M. (2019): Digital transformation of large corporates: Corporate venture capital and startup collaborations of German DAX 30 corporates.In: Journal of Competences, Strategy & Management, 10, S. 79-106.


Thies, Ferdinand ; Huber, Alexander ; Kraus, Sascha ; Bock, Carolin ; Benlian, Alexander (2018): Following the crowd – Does crowdfunding affect venture capitalists’ selection of entrepreneurial ventures? In: Journal of Small Business Management

Gerlach, Jin ; Buxmann, Peter ; Dinev, Tamara (2018):‘They’re All the Same!’ Stereotypical Thinking and Systematic Errors in Users’ Privacy-Related Judgments about Online Services.In: Journal of the Association for Information Systems (forthcoming)

Thies, F., Wessel, M., Benlian A. (2018): Network Effects on Crowdfunding Platforms: Exploring the Implications of Relaxing Input Control, in: Information Systems Journal, 28 (6), 1239-1262

Lansing, J.; Benlian, A.; Sunyaev, A. (2018): Unblackboxing Decision Makers' Interpretations of IS Certifications in the Context of Cloud Service Certifications, Journal of the Association for Information Systems.

Bock, C.; Landau, C.; Orendt, M.; Schmidt, M. (2018): Are Public Financing Schemes Beneficial for University Spin-offs and the Technology Transfer of Innovations, International Journal of Innovation Management.

Elbert, R. ; Friedrich, A. ; Thiel, D. (2018): Disposition mit Zeitfenstervorgaben – Assistenzsysteme und Entlastungspotenziale für den Spediteur. Internationales Verkehrswesen, 70 (1) pp. 48-52.

Appel-Meulenbroek, R.; Clippard, M.; Pfnür, A. (2018): The effectiveness of physical office environments for employee outcomes: An interdisciplinary perspective of research efforts. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 20 (1), 56-80


Haffke, I. ; Kalgovas, B. ; Benlian, A. (2017): Options for Transforming the IT Function Using Bimodal IT, in: MIS Quarterly Executive, 16 (2), 101-120

Quick, R.; Mayer, J. H.; Towara, T. (2017): Digital Technologies for Managers: A Maturity Model from their Business Perspective , Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung/Schmalenbach Business Review, Sonderheft 72/2017, pp. 243-265.

Kiesel, F.; Schiereck, D.; Urbanek, F. (2017): Erfolgspfade im Crowdlending am Beispiel der Kreditvergaben über auxmoney , Corporate Finance, 11-12, pp. 353-357.

Elbert, R.; Pontow, H.; Benlian, A. (2017): The role of inter-organizational information systems in maritime transport chains, Electronic Markets, 27 (2), pp.157-173.

Riedl, R.; Benlian, A.; Hess, T.; Stelzer, D.; Sikora, H. (2017): On the Relationship between Information Management and Digitalization, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 59 (6), pp. 475-482.

Nofer, M., P. Gomber, O. Hinz und D. Schiereck (2017): Blockchain, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 59 (3), pp. 183-187.

Stock, R.; Zacharias, N.; Schnellbaecher, A. (2017): How Do Strategy and Leadership Styles Jointly Affect Co-Development and Its Innovation Outcomes?, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34 (2), 201-222.

Wessel, M., Thies, F., & Benlian, A. (2017): Opening the floodgates – The implications of increasing platform openness in crowdfunding, in: Journal of Information Technology (JIT), 32 (4), pp. 344–360.

Scholz, M.; Dorner, V.; Schryen, G.; Benlian, A. (2017): A configuration-based recommender system for supporting e-commerce decisions., European Journal of Operational Research, 259(1), pp. 205-215

Krüger, J. (2017): Revisiting the World Technology Frontier: A Nonparametric Directional Distance Function Approach, Journal of Economic Growth, 22 (1), pp. 67-95.


Janßen-Tapken, D.; Pfnür, A. (2016): Critical success factors of ERP benefits in CREM: evidence from Austria, Germany and Switzerland, Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 18(4), 287-310.

Kock, A.; Gemünden, H. (2016): Antecedents to Decision-making Quality and Agility in Innovation Portfolio Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 33 (6), 670-686.

Thies, F.; Wessel, M.; Benlian, A. (2016): Effects of Social Interaction Dynamics on Platforms., Journal of Management Information Systems, 33(3), pp. 843-873.

Wessel, M.; Thies, F.; Benlian, A. (2016): The Emergence and Effects of Fake Social Information: Evidence from Crowdfunding., Decision Support Systems, 90, pp. 75-85.

Balasubramaniam, P. ; Kiesel, F. ; Schiereck, D. (2016): Peer-to-peer Equity Investments in Germany. A Note on Successful Company Characteristics, Academy of Economics and Finance Journal, 7.

Heimbach, I.; Hinz, O. (2016): The Impact of Content Sentiment and Emotionality on Content Virality, International Journal of Research in Marketing 33(3), 695-701.

Hinz, O.; Hill, S.; Kim, J. (2016): TV's Dirty Little Secret: The Negative Effect of Popular TV on Online Auction Sales, Management Information Systems Quarterly 40(3), 623-644.

Krüger, J.J.; Rhiel, M. (2016): Determinants of ICT Infrastructure: A Cross-Country Statistical Analysis (Working Paper).

Rhiel, M. (2016): The Contribution of ICT to Long-term Growth (Working Paper).

Rode, J.; Weber, A. (2016): Does Localized Imitation Drive Technology Adoption? A Case Study on Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems in Germany, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 78, pp. 38-48.


Krasnova, H.; Widjaja, T.; Buxmann, P.; Wenninger, H.; Benbasat, I. (2015): Research Note—Why Following Friends Can Hurt You: An Exploratory Investigation of the Effects of Envy on Social Networking Sites among College-Age Users., Information Systems Research, 26(3), pp. 585-605.

Gerlach, J.; Widjaja, T.; Buxmann, P. (2015): Handle with Care: How Online Social Network Providers’ Privacy Policies Impact Users’ Information Sharing Behavior., Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 24(1), pp. 33-43.

Kowalczyk, M.; Buxmann, P. (2015): An Ambidextrous Perspective on Business Intelligence and Analytics Support in Decision Processes: Insights from a Multiple Case Study., Decision Support Systems, 80, pp. 1-13.

Matt, C.; Hess, T.; Benlian, A. (2015): Digital transformation strategies, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57(5), pp. 339-343.

Nitsch, V. (2015): On the Design of Public Institutions: Evidence from Financial Supervision, Ensayos sobre Politica Economica. 33, pp. 53-60.

Nofer, M.; Hinz, O. (2015): Are Crowds on the Internet Wiser than Experts? – The Case of a Stock Prediction Community, Journal of Business Economics, 84(3), pp. 303-338.

Nofer, M.; Hinz, O. (2015): Using Twitter to Predict the Stock Market: Where is the Mood Effect?, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57(4), pp. 229-242.


Kowalczyk, M.; Buxmann, P. (2014): Big Data and Information Processing in Organizational Decision Processes: A Multiple Case Study., Business & Information Systems Engineering, 5, pp. 267-278.

Gottschlich, J.; Hinz, O. (2014): A Decision Support System for Stock Investment Recommendations Using Collective Wisdom, Decision Support Systems, 59(3), pp. 52–62.

Veit, D.J.; Clemons, E.K.; Benlian, A.; Buxmann, P.; Hess, T.; Kundisch, D.; Leimeister, J.M.; Loos, P.; Spann, M. (2014): Business models – an information systems research agenda. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 6(1), pp. 45-53.

Wagner, T.; Benlian, A.; Hess, T. (2014): Converting freemium customers from free to premium—the role of the perceived premium fit in the case of music as a service, Electronic Markets, 24(4), pp. 259-268.


Klopper, Joep ; Kalgovas, Bradley ; Borgman, Hans ; Benlian, Alexander (2022): Digital Transformation Normalization: Using Managerial Actions to Effectively Execute Digital Business Strategy. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Copenhagen, Denmark, December 9-14

Mayer, J. H. ; Lanzerath, Marc ; Wutzler, Juliane ; Quick, Reiner ; Peruscha, Marcus Pennarola, F. ; Reina, R. (Hrsg.) (2022): Unlock the Value of Your Data – Six Design Guidelines for Implementing Data Strategies Effectively. Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (iTAIS, MCIS), Catanzaro, Italy, October 14-15

Munns, Benjamin Jack ; Van Toorn, Christine ; Finnegan, Patrick ; Kalgovas, Bradley ; Benlian, Alexander (2022): Sustaining Digital Transformation: The imperative to innovate continuously in the Australian financial services sector. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Timisoara, Romania, June 18-24

Vetter, Oliver A. ; Hoffmann, Felix Sebastian ; Pumplun, Luisa ; Buxmann, Peter (2022): What constitutes a machine-learning-driven business model? A taxonomy of B2B start-ups with machine learning at their core. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Timisoara, Romania, June 18-24

Stock-Homburg, Ruth ; Kirchhoff, Jérôme ; Heinisch, Judith S. ; Ebert, Andreas ; Busch, Philip ; Rawal, Niyati ; David, Klaus ; Wendt, Janine ; Spiecker gen. Döhmann, Indra ; Stryk, Oskar von ; Hannig, Martin ; Knof, Merlind (2022): Responsible Human-Robot Interaction with Anthropomorphic Service Robots: State of the Art of an Interdisciplinary Research Challenge. 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), A Virtual Conference, January 3-7


Barthel, Philipp ; Perrot, Celine Marie ; Benlian, Alexander ; Hess, Thomas (2021): Towards a Method for Evaluating Digital Innovation Projects. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), A Virtual AIS Conference, June 14-16

Zöll, Anne ; Olt, Christian M. ; Buxmann, Peter (2021): Privacy-sensitive Business Models: Barriers of Organizational Adoption of Privacy Enhancing Technologies. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), A Virtual AIS Conference, June 14-16

Croitor, Evgheni ; Werner, Dominick ; Benlian, Alexander (2021): The Effects of Control Mechanisms on Complementors’ Behavioral Intentions: An Empirical Study of Reward-Based Crowdfunding Platforms. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, A Virtual Conference, January 4-9

Koppe, Timo ; Schatz, Jonas (2021): Cloud-based ML Technologies for Visual Inspection: A Case Study in Manufacturing. S. 1020-1029, Online Conference, Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,

Koppe, Timo ; Wahl-Islam, Nihal (2021): Digital Service Innovation in Plant and Mechanical Engineering: Exploring Contextual Factors in the Innovation Process. S. 4600-4609, Online Conference, Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Pumplun, Luisa ; Fecho, Mariska ; Islam, Nihal ; Buxmann, Peter (2021): Machine Learning Systems in Clinics – How Mature Is the Adoption Process in Medical Diagnostics? S. 6317-6326, Online Conference, 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 05. – 08.01.2021


Feine, Jasper ; Adam, Martin ; Benke, Ivo ; Maedche, Alexander ; Benlian, Alexander (2020): Exploring Design Principles for Enterprise Chatbots: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Study.S. 126-141, International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology

Mueller, Lea ; Toutaoui, Jonas (2020): Who Am I and What Am I Doing Here? – IT Project Manager Identity in Agile ISD Team Settings. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), A Virtual AIS Conference

Cram, Alec W. ; Wiener, Martin ; Tarafdar, Monideepa ; Benlian, Alexander (2020): Algorithmic Controls and their Implications for Gig Worker Well-being and Behavior. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), A Virtual AIS Conference

Toutaoui, Jonas ; Benlian, Alexander (2020): The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts – Synergies between Non-Digital and Digital Business Models within Companies. 53th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, Hawaii, USA, 7-10 January

Winkler, Nane ; Röthke, Konstantin ; Siegfried, Nils ; Benlian, Alexander (2020): Lose Yourself in VR: Exploring the Effects of Virtual Reality on Individuals’ Immersion. 53th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, Hawaii, USA, 7-10 January

Stock-Homburg, Ruth and Hannig, Martin and Lilienthal, Lucie (2020): Conversational Flow in Human-Robot Interactions at the Workplace: Comparing Humanoid and Android Robots. Accepted at the International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR)

Roth, Elisa ; Möncks, Mirco ; Bohné, Thomas ; Pumplun, Luisa (2020): Context-Aware Cyber-Physical Worker Assistance in Industrial Systems: A Human Activity Recognition Approach.Online Conference, 1st IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems, 07.-09.09.2020

Pumplun, Luisa ; Buxmann, Peter (2020): Intelligent Systems and Hospitals: Joint Forces in the Name of Health? Potsdam, Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI)

Schuch, Florian ; Gerster, Daniel ; Hein, Daniel ; Benlian, Alexander (2020): Implementing Scaled-Agile Frameworks at Non-Digital Born Companies – A Multiple Case Study.53th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, Hawaii, USA, 7-10 January


Toutaoui, Jonas (2019): When 1+1 is Greater than 2: Concurrence of Additional Digital and Established Business Models within Companies.S. 1803-1808, Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Siegen, Germany, 23.-27.02.2019

Adam, Martin ; Wessel, Michael ; Benlian, Alexander (2019): How Anthropomorphic Design Cues and the Foot-in-the-Door Technique Affect User Compliance with Chatbots in Customer Self-Service.Frontiers in Service Conference, Singapore

Resch, Christian; Kock, Alexander (2019): How Social Interactions in Online Maker Communities Influence the Content of Maker Projects. Open and User Innovation Conference, Utrecht

Sternal, M. ; Schiereck, D. (2019): Do Digital Giants Create Value by Mergers and Acquisitions? In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), S. 15-18

Schneider, Katharina and Stock, Ruth and Lichtenberg, Frank K. (2019): The Impact of Digitization on Vocational Education – Measuring the Efficacy of Social Robots in Employee Coaching.In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems 2019

Stock, Ruth and Merkle, Moritz and Eidens, Dietmar and Hannig, Martin and Heineck, Paul and Nguyen, Mai Anh and Völker, Johannes (2019): When Robots Enter Our Workplace: Understanding Employee Trust in Assistive Robots.In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems 2019

Olt, Christian M. ; Gerlach, Jin ; Sonnenschein, Rabea ; Buxmann, Peter (2019): On the Benefits of Senior Executives’ Information Security Awareness. Munich, Germany, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany, 15.-18.12.2019

Islam, Nihal ; Buxmann, Peter (2019): Mehr IT-Sicherheitsgründungen braucht das Land – Eine empirische Untersuchung der Chancen und Risiken für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Wien, Österreich, Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand („G-Forum“), Wien, Österreich, 26. September 2019

Kühne, Babett ; Zolnowski, Andreas ; Bornholt, Jennifer ; Böhmann, Tilo (2019):Making Data Tangible for Data-driven Innovations in a Business Model Context.

Pumplun, Luisa ; Tauchert, Christoph ; Heidt, Margareta (2019):A New Organizational Chassis for Artificial Intelligence – Exploring Organizational Readiness Factors.European Conference on Information Systems – ECIS 2019, Stockholm, Sweden, June 8-14 2019

Heidt, Margareta ; Gerlach, Jin ; Buxmann, Peter (2019): A Holistic View on Organizational IT Security: The Influence of Contextual Aspects During IT Security Decisions.Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Wailea, USA, 08.-11.01.2019


Thies, Ferdinand ; Huber, Alexander ; Kraus, Sascha ; Bock, Carolin ; Benlian, Alexander (2018): Following the crowd – Does crowdfunding affect venture capitalists’ selection of entrepreneurial ventures? In: Journal of Small Business Management

Gerlach, Jin ; Buxmann, Peter ; Dinev, Tamara (2018):‘They’re All the Same!’ Stereotypical Thinking and Systematic Errors in Users’ Privacy-Related Judgments about Online Services.In: Journal of the Association for Information Systems (forthcoming)

Thies, F., Wessel, M., Benlian A. (2018): Network Effects on Crowdfunding Platforms: Exploring the Implications of Relaxing Input Control, in: Information Systems Journal, 28 (6), 1239-1262

Lansing, J.; Benlian, A.; Sunyaev, A. (2018): Unblackboxing Decision Makers' Interpretations of IS Certifications in the Context of Cloud Service Certifications, Journal of the Association for Information Systems.

Bock, C.; Landau, C.; Orendt, M.; Schmidt, M. (2018): Are Public Financing Schemes Beneficial for University Spin-offs and the Technology Transfer of Innovations, International Journal of Innovation Management.

Elbert, R. ; Friedrich, A. ; Thiel, D. (2018): Disposition mit Zeitfenstervorgaben – Assistenzsysteme und Entlastungspotenziale für den Spediteur. Internationales Verkehrswesen, 70 (1) pp. 48-52.

Appel-Meulenbroek, R.; Clippard, M.; Pfnür, A. (2018): The effectiveness of physical office environments for employee outcomes: An interdisciplinary perspective of research efforts. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 20 (1), 56-80


Haffke, I. ; Kalgovas, B. ; Benlian, A. (2017): Options for Transforming the IT Function Using Bimodal IT, in: MIS Quarterly Executive, 16 (2), 101-120

Quick, R.; Mayer, J. H.; Towara, T. (2017): Digital Technologies for Managers: A Maturity Model from their Business Perspective , Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung/Schmalenbach Business Review, Sonderheft 72/2017, pp. 243-265.

Kiesel, F.; Schiereck, D.; Urbanek, F. (2017): Erfolgspfade im Crowdlending am Beispiel der Kreditvergaben über auxmoney , Corporate Finance, 11-12, pp. 353-357.

Elbert, R.; Pontow, H.; Benlian, A. (2017): The role of inter-organizational information systems in maritime transport chains, Electronic Markets, 27 (2), pp.157-173.

Riedl, R.; Benlian, A.; Hess, T.; Stelzer, D.; Sikora, H. (2017): On the Relationship between Information Management and Digitalization, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 59 (6), pp. 475-482.

Nofer, M., P. Gomber, O. Hinz und D. Schiereck (2017): Blockchain, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 59 (3), pp. 183-187.

Stock, R.; Zacharias, N.; Schnellbaecher, A. (2017): How Do Strategy and Leadership Styles Jointly Affect Co-Development and Its Innovation Outcomes?, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34 (2), 201-222.

Wessel, M., Thies, F., & Benlian, A. (2017): Opening the floodgates – The implications of increasing platform openness in crowdfunding, in: Journal of Information Technology (JIT), 32 (4), pp. 344–360.

Scholz, M.; Dorner, V.; Schryen, G.; Benlian, A. (2017): A configuration-based recommender system for supporting e-commerce decisions., European Journal of Operational Research, 259(1), pp. 205-215

Krüger, J. (2017): Revisiting the World Technology Frontier: A Nonparametric Directional Distance Function Approach, Journal of Economic Growth, 22 (1), pp. 67-95.


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Balasubramaniam, P. ; Kiesel, F. ; Schiereck, D. (2016): Peer-to-peer Equity Investments in Germany. A Note on Successful Company Characteristics, Academy of Economics and Finance Journal, 7.

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Krasnova, H.; Widjaja, T.; Buxmann, P.; Wenninger, H.; Benbasat, I. (2015): Research Note—Why Following Friends Can Hurt You: An Exploratory Investigation of the Effects of Envy on Social Networking Sites among College-Age Users., Information Systems Research, 26(3), pp. 585-605.

Gerlach, J.; Widjaja, T.; Buxmann, P. (2015): Handle with Care: How Online Social Network Providers’ Privacy Policies Impact Users’ Information Sharing Behavior., Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 24(1), pp. 33-43.

Kowalczyk, M.; Buxmann, P. (2015): An Ambidextrous Perspective on Business Intelligence and Analytics Support in Decision Processes: Insights from a Multiple Case Study., Decision Support Systems, 80, pp. 1-13.

Matt, C.; Hess, T.; Benlian, A. (2015): Digital transformation strategies, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57(5), pp. 339-343.

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Nofer, M.; Hinz, O. (2015): Using Twitter to Predict the Stock Market: Where is the Mood Effect?, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57(4), pp. 229-242.


Kowalczyk, M.; Buxmann, P. (2014): Big Data and Information Processing in Organizational Decision Processes: A Multiple Case Study., Business & Information Systems Engineering, 5, pp. 267-278.

Gottschlich, J.; Hinz, O. (2014): A Decision Support System for Stock Investment Recommendations Using Collective Wisdom, Decision Support Systems, 59(3), pp. 52–62.

Veit, D.J.; Clemons, E.K.; Benlian, A.; Buxmann, P.; Hess, T.; Kundisch, D.; Leimeister, J.M.; Loos, P.; Spann, M. (2014): Business models – an information systems research agenda. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 6(1), pp. 45-53.

Wagner, T.; Benlian, A.; Hess, T. (2014): Converting freemium customers from free to premium—the role of the perceived premium fit in the case of music as a service, Electronic Markets, 24(4), pp. 259-268.


Schiereck, D.; Tielmann, A. (2012): Mobile Payment – ein Zahlungsmittel mit Zukunft in Deutschland?, WiSt, 42(4), pp. 168-174.

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Engelbrecht, Adrian ; Pumplun, Luisa ; Bauer, Cordula ; Vida, Karina Buxmann, Peter ; Schmidt, Holger (Hrsg.) (2021): Künstliche Intelligenz im Enterprise Service Management. In: Künstliche Intelligenz, 2, S. 149-163, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Gabler, ISBN 978-3-662-61793-9 , DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-61794-6_9

Koppe, Timo ; Schatz, Jonas ; Hornung, Thomas Buxmann, Peter ; Schmidt, Holger (Hrsg.) (2021): Herausforderungen und Potenziale von KI-gestützter visueller Inspektion in der Elektronikindustrie.In: Künstliche Intelligenz, S. 65-80, Springer, ISBN 978-3-662-61794-6


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Koppe, Timo ; Schmidt, Holger ; Buxmann, Peter Hossenfelder, Jörg (Hrsg.) (2019): Daten und Künstliche Intelligenz als Basis für digitale Geschäftsmodelle in der Industrie.In: Lünendonk – Handbuch Facility Management 2019, S. 49-61, Haufe Lexware GmbH, ISBN 9783648125113


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Schiereck, D.; von Jagow, F. (2018): Die Digitalisierung des Kommunalkredits, Immobilien und Finanzierung – Der langfristige Kredit, 69, pp. 204-206.

Klostermeier, R.; Haag, S.; Benlian, A. (2018): Digitale Zwillinge – Eine explorative Fallstudie zur Untersuchung von Geschäftsmodellen, HMD – Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 55 (2), pp. 297-311.

Welsch, A.; Eitle, V.; Buxmann, P. (2018): Maschinelles Lernen, HMD – Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 55 (2), pp. 366–382.

Fortmann, L.; Haffke, I.; Benlian, A. (2018): Die Evolution des Kanalmanagements und die Transformation der IT – Der Weg der Deutschen Bahn Vertrieb GmbH, HMD – Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 55 (2), pp. 398-411.

Schiereck, D.; Thabe, T. (2018): Schnellere Kreditvergabe durch Industrie 4.0-Daten, Die Bank, 58, pp. 20-21.


Schmidt, Martin ; Scharf, K. (2017): Organisationsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit zum Schutz Kritischer Infrastrukturen – Kommunikation und Informationsaustausch im Krisenmanagement. Magazin Bevölkerungsschutz. Hrsg. vom Bundesministerium für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK) (1/2017) pp. 38-42.

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Mayer, J.; Campagna, C.; Chamoni, P.; Hornung, K.; Kuhnert, M.; Quick, R. (2017): Die Buchhaltung macht der Roboter, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (95), p. 18.

Haffke, I.; Kalgovas, B.; Benlian, A. (2017): Options for Transforming the IT Function Using Bimodal IT, MIS Quarterly Executive 16(2), pp. 101-120.

Schiereck, D.; C. Maslowski, C. (2017): Bargeldentgelte und die Profitabilität von Sparkassen, bank und markt, 46, pp. 31-36.

Schiereck, D.; Panzer, J.; Wardak, R. (2017): Crowdfinancing aus Sicht von Kapitalnehmern, Immobilien und Finanzierung – Der langfristige Kredit, 68, pp. 304-306.


Islam, N.; Buxmann, P.; (2016): Neue Impulse in Zeiten der Digitalisierung. Können etablierte Unternehmen von Start-ups lernen?, IM+ io – Das Magazin für Innovation, Organisation und Management (4).

Buxmann, P.; Islam, N.; (2016): Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft: Sind sich Unternehmen ihrer eigenen Stärken und Schwächen bewusst?, Lünendonk®-Studie 2016: Der Markt für IT-Beratung und IT-Service in Deutschland.

Hess, T.; Matt, C.; Benlian, A.; Wiesböck, F. (2016): Options for Formulating a Digital Transformation Strategy, MIS Quarterly Executive 15(2), pp. 123-139.


Röckemann, C.; Schiereck, D. (2015): Digitale Veränderung – Das Digital Banking Wheel, Die Bank, 55(8).


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Meinshausen, S.; Schiereck, D.; Stimeier, S. (2012): Crowdfunding als Finanzierungsalternative –Innovative Ansätze in der Unternehmensfinanzierung, WiSt 41, pp. 583-588.

Meinshausen, S.; Schiereck, D.; Wettermann, W. (2012): Crowdfunding: Social Media-Innovationen zur Finanzierung von Projekten in der Unterhaltungsindustrie, Die Bank, 52(6), pp. 66-72.